Saturday, May 31, 2014

19 points and 4 rebounds in Indianapolis black tower he burst period eight Black Hawk

The HTML template 19 points and 4 rebounds in Indianapolis black tower he burst period eight Black Hawk


and pedestrian first round match, the eagle let underestimate their opponents suffered. The last play is Geoff Teague, the all star center Millsap stand out. The Millsap played 30 minutes 19 points and 4 rebounds, steals away win back to Atlanta, Millsap and his team can still look forward to the following G.

first began, home of the pedestrian is prepared, the four main West, George, Hibbert and Hill scored, but Millsap repeatedly tests not in. The first 8 minutes, Millsap began looking for the feeling on the perimeter, and the Hawks forward blow in. Millsap second times in the three way from, the eagle has 16-15 counter ultra. The Pacers feel decreased gradually, then Yuezhanyueyong Millsap, jumper free throw were recorded, the first section of the end of 9 Millsap capture.

second day eagle gradually opened the score, Millsap faced Scola in step back jumper, the eagle has a lead of 9 points. The Pacers to narrow the difference to Atlanta Hawks Jersey Wholesale 3 minutes, and calm Millsap layup. Of course, m God inside the holding force can not be ignored, 3 minutes and 10 seconds, he found an ambush Teague, the latter three points go well. Not only Hibbert, West seems to take Millsap there is no way to spell, West made three after the end, Millsap two punish entire.

second half, walker strength began to play, the eagle gradually be unable to resist sustain the blows. 9 minutes and 23 seconds, Millsap grabbed offensive rebounds caused Hill foul, two punish entire again. The Pacers morale increasingly Sheng, Millsap can only rely on FTS to narrow the score.

into the distal, Millsap's shooting began to decline, continuous shot not. The Pacers in the lead to 22 points, the Hawks began to enter the rotation time, Millsap was also the end.

for the Hawks, behind a large margin in case of strategic give up the fourth day is Wholesale Atlanta Hawks Jersey a very wise choice. The World War II and Millsap showed his scoring rebounding, although not beautiful, but his team's tactical role is not inferior to the opponent's inside Twin Towers, just met Hibbert state slump, Millsap fully play to the stage.

before the two war, the eagle has got the home court advantage, accounted for a little bit cheaper. But now the Pacers problem and many, the team manager Vogel refers to the coaching side, the pedestrian team especially Hibbert state has not come out, this is an opportunity for the eagle. Black eight? It is not impossible.

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